Strawberry popsicles

Strawberry popsicles

Homemade strawberry icicles have the real taste of fruit, nothing to do with those bought at the bar or supermarket. They are perfect for cooling off the hot summer days.


Ingredients (4 people)

·         60 g of sugar
·          250 g of  strawberries
·          1 lemon
·          250 ml of natural mineral water


Put the strawberries in a colander and wash them under running water. Drain them, then quickly and gently put them in a sheet of kitchen paper, eliminating so much of the remaining water.  If you have time, you can also open them in a dish and leave them for 30-60 minutes to dry in a ventilated area of ​​the kitchen.
With a knife, remove the green petiole and the leaves from the strawberries. Depending on the size, cut the strawberries into two or four pieces.  Pour them in a pot with the sugar and place them on a medium heat. Bring to a boil, then lower the heat and continue to cook turning often. 
Strawberries tend to sfarsi and melt, continue until you have a mixture of syrupy consistency.  Turn off the heat and let cool, then, with an immersion blender, reduce to a smooth and even puree. Squeeze the lemon and filter it well so as to eliminate any possible residue. Add the lemon juice and the natural mineral water to the strawberries and give some more shots with the immersion blender, so as to mix well. 
Now you have two choices. If you like the icicle to contain a few pieces of coarse pulp and the seeds, pour the mixture into the icicle molds.  If you prefer it to be smoother, pass the strawberry mixture through a fine strainer, helping with a spoon or a teaspoon to let the most liquid part pass and eliminate the more solid one. Pour the liquid obtained in the icicle molds. 
Insert the appropriate stick into the molds and place in the freezer.  Before consuming icicles, leave them in the freezer for at least twelve hours. Now you just have to taste and refresh with their sweet taste. 
thanks for reading 😃😃


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