Meat and mushrooms combination

Minced meat roll with mushrooms

Minced meat roll with mushrooms
Roll of minced meat - an excellent alternative to cutlets. The dish is prepared quickly and simply, but it has a presentable appearance and incredible taste.

Roll of minced meat with mushrooms in the oven - the basic principles of cooking

The taste of the dish depends mainly on the quality of minced meat. Of course, you can buy the finished product, but it is better to make it yourself from fresh meat. This can be pork, beef or chicken fillet. In order to make the stuffing homogeneous, it is passed at least twice through a meat grinder with a fine grate. For juiciness, add onion or lard. Aromatic it will make spicy herbs and spices. The stuffing for the roll should be well kept in shape, therefore, as a binder, eggs, starch or flour are added to it. Mix the minced meat thoroughly with your hands, lightly beating it against a bowl.
The filling is prepared from mushrooms, onions and other vegetables. Mushrooms can be anything: oyster mushrooms, champignons, white or other forest. The product is cleaned and washed from sand and dirt. Cut into slices and fry with onions in hot oil until light rudeness. The filling can be varied by adding cabbage, potatoes, cheese or boiled eggs to it.
Stuff is spread on the food film with an even layer of the same thickness. On it spread the mushroom filling and wrap it in minced meat with a film in the form of a roll.
Bake a meatloaf at 180 degrees for about half an hour. Serve the dish, sliced ​​in portions.

Recipe 1. Minced meat roll with mushrooms in the oven

cheese Russian - 100 g;
champignons - 120 g;
one egg;
Sunflower oil - 20 ml;
half a kilogram of stuffing;
two twigs of parsley;
salt and pepper ground.
Cooking method
Cut small pieces of peeled onion. Put the onions in a frying pan and lightly fry in oil. Champignons rinse, dry and crumble with quarters. Add to the onion and cook until the mushrooms are browned. Pepper and salt. Pour the shredded greens and remove from the plate.
Salted ground meat, pepper and beat the egg. Knead well. On the sheet of foil lay out the minced meat and form a rectangle with a thickness of not more than a centimeter.
Center the chilled mushrooms. Sprinkle cheese chips on top. Carefully lift the edges of the foil on both sides and combine the minced meat in the middle. Slightly press down so that the edges join and grasp.
Wrap the roll in foil and place in a preheated oven up to 180 ° C. Bake for half an hour. Then unfold the foil and leave in the oven until the appetizing crust appears.

Recipe 2. Minced meat roll with mushrooms in the oven with spinach and olives

700 g minced meat;
20 ml of sunflower oil;
200 g of champignons;
a bunch of fresh spinach;
freshly ground pepper;
two eggs;
120 g of pitted olives;
2 onions;
50 g breadcrumbs.
Cooking method
Peel off the husks and chop the small cubes into a bulb. Fry the vegetable in vegetable oil until soft, stirring occasionally. Wipe the mushrooms' hats from thin peel. Rinse the mushrooms, dry and cut into plates. Put the mushrooms in a frying pan, pepper, salt and fry until the liquid evaporates completely. Champignons should brown.
Remove olives from marinade and cut into rings. Spinach wash, dry and rinse. Onion and mushroom toast, transfer to a bowl, cool and add spinach with olives. Stir.
Stuff in the minced meat chicken egg, add breadcrumbs and a meatball twisted through a meat grinder. Pepper, salt and knead, slightly beating, until uniform. Place the minced meat on a foil sheet in the form of a rectangle. Make sure that the bed is of equal thickness.
In the middle lay out the filling. With a foil roll the roll and wrap it in two layers of foil. The ends tightly tighten. Place on a baking sheet and put in the oven. Bake for 45 minutes at 200 degrees. Carefully, not to get burned, unfold the foil. Lubricate the roll with a beaten egg and send it back to the oven until the appetizing crust appears.

Recipe 3. Minced meat roll with mushrooms in the oven with eggs and cheese

pork-ground beef - 600 g;
grated cheese - 150 g;
two boiled eggs;
sour cream - 50 g;
the egg is raw;
mushrooms - 200 g;
onion bulb.
Cooking method
Stuff the egg in the ground meat. Pepper, salt and knead well, slightly beating, until a viscous homogeneous mass is obtained.
Eggs boil hard. Cool them in cold water, peel and chop. Mushrooms wash from dirt and sand. Brush them and cut them finely. Fry the mushrooms on hot oil, stirring occasionally, until light rudeness.
Peel and finely chop the onion. Fry the onion in a separate frying pan and add to the mushrooms. Cool the mixture. Cheese grate large.
On a sheet of foil, lay the ground meat in an even layer in the form of a rectangle. Level and tamper. In the middle lay out finely chopped eggs, sprinkle them with a third piece of cheese. Top with onion and mushroom fry, which is also sprinkled with a third of the cheese.
Connect the edges of the roll with foil, protect them and with wet hands, smooth the roll so that the joint can not be seen. Roll the roll with a foil into a suitable shape. Cover it with foil and put in the oven for half an hour. Open the foil, grease the roll with sour cream, sprinkle with grated cheese and put in the oven for 20 minutes.

Recipe 4. Minced meat roll with mushrooms in the oven with potatoes

kg of mixed minced meat;
ground black pepper;
six potatoes;
salted dill - 50 g;
half a stack. groats of semolina;
canned mushrooms - 200 g;
salted seasoning.
Cooking method
Two potatoes of potatoes peel, rinse them and chop on a small grater. Add potatoes to stuffing. Add also finely chopped onions and semolina. Carefully knead, lightly beating off the stuffing about the bowl.
Place the meat mixture on a baking sheet, and smooth it with a wet palm until a rectangle of equal thickness is obtained.
Wash the four potatoes and boil them until soft. Cool the vegetable, peel off the thin peel and cut the tubers into four pieces. Put the potatoes in the middle. Top with salt fennel. Form roll with wet hands, covering potatoes with stuffing. Put the baking tray in the oven and bake for 25 minutes. Bake at 180 degrees. Before serving, slice the roll with slices and serve with a side dish of rice.

Recipe 5. Minced meat roll with mushrooms in the oven with cabbage

350 grams of chicken meat;
a bunch of green dill;
350 grams of pork fillet;
egg white;
two slices of bread;
two chicken eggs;
two onions;
freshly ground pepper.
Mushroom filling:
400 g of champignons;
Filling from cabbage:
300 g of cabbage;
freshly ground pepper;
four tomatoes;
60 ml of sunflower oil;
100 grams of Russian cheese.
Cooking method
Pork and chicken fillet wash. Cut the meat into slices and twist it in a meat grinder. Peel the onion and garlic from the peel, chop as much as meat. Slices of bread soak in water and add to ground meat. Here, beat in two eggs, pepper, salt and knead, well beating off the bowl.
Champignons clean, wash and cut into plates. Preheat a little sunflower oil in a frying pan. Leeks thinly chop. Fry the mushrooms in a frying pan until the liquid evaporates completely. Add the leeks and continue to brown until soft. Pepper and salt. Remove from the plate and cool.
Cabbage and leeks thinly chop. Pass the vegetables in a frying pan on sunflower oil, stirring occasionally, until soft. Wash tomatoes, wipe and grate on a fine grater. Add the tomatoes in the cabbage, salt, pepper and fry until the liquid evaporates. Refrigerate. Cheese grate large.
Cover the table with food film. On the film put the minced meat and smooth it, forming a rectangle. On top of minced meat, spread out the stuffing from the cabbage. Evenly sprinkle with grated cheese and spread the mushroom mixture.
With the help of a film, form a roll and put it in an oily form. Lubricate the surface with egg white. The form is covered with foil and put in a preheated to 190 C oven. Bake for 20 minutes. Then increase the temperature to 200 C, remove the foil. Lubricate the roll again with protein and bake for another half an hour. Cool, cut into slices and serve with fresh vegetables.

Recipe 6. Minced meat roll with mushrooms in the oven with dried tomatoes

For stuffing:
700 g of pork;
5 grams of ground black pepper;
5 grams of salt;
10 cloves of garlic.
300 g of mushrooms;
5 g black pepper ground;
150 g of Cheddar cheese;
3 g of kitchen salt;
1 pod of bell pepper;
50 g of dried tomatoes;
100 g of sour cream.
Cooking method
We begin with the preparation of the filling. Peeled onion shredder as small as possible. Fry it in sunflower oil, stirring regularly, until soft. Mushrooms, clean and cut into slices. Add the mushrooms to the onions, salt and continue to cook until the liquid evaporates. Season with pepper and remove from the plate.
A pod of Bulgarian pepper is released from the stalk, cleaned from seeds and cut into thin strips.
Peeled onions and garlic twisted in a meat grinder with meat. We knead hands, salt and pepper. We distribute the mince by a thin layer on the food film. From above lay thin slices of cheese. On one edge we spread stuffing and sun-dried tomatoes. Fold minced meat into a roll. We wrap it in foil and send it to bake for 45 minutes at a temperature of 200 C. Remove the top layer of foil, grease with sour cream and put in the oven for another quarter of an hour.

Roll of minced meat with mushrooms in the oven - tips and tricks

Minced meat should be kneaded for at least ten minutes, so that the meat mixture is viscous.
If you want to reduce the calorie content of the dish, do not fry the mushrooms, but boil them.
As a binder, you can use eggs, flour or starch.
Rolls can be rolled using food film or foil.
Thanks  for reading 😃😃😃😃


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