Some women have unlucky their love?

Why she fails?

Simple women's happiness, as is known, the bulk consists of a loved one, family with him and the house-full Cup. However, all of these components are sometimes not so easy: in which only thorns and jungle do not have to Wade for the sake of finding their place under the sun! Endlessly looking, meeting, Dating, romance, separation, separation, betrayal and disappointment... Yes, to find a diamond among cobblestones is truly hard work. However, in the nature still there are those lucky women who love craft gift is given. Who are these kudesnitsa? What is their secret? What women really lucky one in love?

Multiplying love. The primary purpose of women is to give love and warmth. Give yourself, loved ones, others. Love must always have a direction. Giving her the affection, tenderness and care, a woman blooms. The woman who multiplies love in the heart of her man, teaches him to love and while she learns from him, knows what is family happiness. "I was born to love. I give and receive love!" this is the main setting of women with a true to life guide. The priority for her not to take but to give: it is open to making love, and giving. A man happy to be with such a woman, because he always feels her love and tenderness, he feels needed and important.

Trust. Women's trust is the most subtle and fundamental matter in a relationship. One only passion does not go far: trust and mutual respect, like it or not, will be the basis on which are formed a healthy and promising unions. But, in fact, trust is the highest manifestation of respect. A woman who believes in her man, not only is self-confidence, but also owns his heart. Beloved for her reliable shoulder and real support. A relationship built not on trust, can't be both long and strong. Keep it every day hard work. "Trust is a sign of courage, loyalty is testimony to the strength," wrote the Austrian Baroness playwright Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach.

Some women are unlucky in love?

Inspiring. The essence of women for centuries thought to be the Muse, the inspirer of his men, to the feet where he wants to place the entire world. The Vedic doctrine identifies man with an active, creative force, while a woman with the power of blessing. The woman – source of success for men. Strong floor made history, inspired flooring, beautiful: no wonder they say that behind every great man is a equally great woman. To be inspired means to make "breath" with the wish. Next to a wise and loving woman a man will want to achieve more, to grow, to improve, to earn, to provide, care, protect...Vissarion Grigoryevich Belinsky definitely reflected this position in his reflections: "Career women is to arouse in man the soul energy, the ardor of noble passions, to support the sense of duty and a commitment to superior and great – that's its purpose, and it is great and sacred".

Not allowing themselves to be manipulated. Excellent relations seek only those women who do not give in to manipulation and other psychological tricks. They do not let themselves be deceived, to feed empty promises and try to govern by their own will, their life is a liar, unreliable and frivolous knights. A woman who is able to anticipate deception, blackmail, bluff, and other sneaky tricks partner simply ceases to be a party to these dangerous games. She will never let him control her mind sober, will indomitable, and conclusions are impartial.

Support. Willingness to follow a man on his chosen path, to support him, to help in times of difficulty is a key task of the women aboard the family boat. Keep love and carry her through life is possible only through the understanding, support and mutual assistance. The state of man, which gives him a lovely woman standing in front of and instilling in him a sense of confidence and peace of mind, it is impossible not to compare. It was then that he realises for himself that he can achieve anything. This is especially important for men. As mentioned above, to motivate, to inspire, to praise and highlight the achievements and dignity of the second half is the privilege of women. No wonder people say that a smart woman guides her man, and his stupid controls.

Some women are unlucky in love?

Forgiving. The ability to forgive a lot of very strong people. While, however, it is believed that women have it better and men, respectively, learn from them. In any case, forgiveness is a powerful tool to help build a happy couple. Full of resentment, irritation or anger a woman will never be able to get pleasure from life and communication with your partner, can never bring happiness to him. To forgive someone, especially a loved one that's hurt is very difficult and requires the release of an unprecedented spiritual resources. Forgiving the man seemed to be stepping over themselves and their pride, breaks up with resentment, pain and disappointment. The woman, not Setevaya heart no grudge, not holding grudges and ready to accept reconciliation creates a positive atmosphere around yourself of warmth, kindness and understanding. To her want to come again and again, she did not need to lie, it is possible to share everything. Able to find the strength to forgive the woman cares about her man and Union with him.

Appreciating yourself. "Love yourself – will love you" is capitalized and well-known truth. Send a private life to chance and launched herself, the woman can not wait good luck on the love front. Self-respecting woman clings to man like the last twig from childhood, she knows that the initiator will always be a he and not a she. The female prerogative is to imply, inadvertently to be sensitive, the chance to draw attention to themselves. For appreciating yourself is unacceptable to allow themselves to be treated rude, ugly or unfair. She loves her partner, but still, my pride loves no less. A woman living in harmony and respect with them their own soul and body, will never lower your requirements. It is steady and not in its rules to make a leap backward, even under the influence of the most passionate feelings. From this it follows that valuing yourself and your time, the woman very carefully chooses a mate, and therefore her choice of ends as well as it can: it precludes all chances of toxic, sick relationship.

Some women are unlucky in love?

Personal relationships – one of the most complex spheres of human life. The partners we need them to work, to compromise, to work on yourself. Women's path here has auxiliary power, running side by side with men, to create. And its role, we can say decisive: a woman teaches her man, and she learns a lot from him. Interchange performed between partners at a mental level, is a core value of their enterprises. To find happiness in relationships, to find love and, most importantly, to be able to maintain and increase turns out not every. However, if you will cultivate the above qualities and features, you will certainly realize all your dreams about the novel of a lifetime.
Thanks for reading 😃😃😃


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