Harmful products for our diet

7  "harmful" products that actually benefit 
7 "harmful" products ... (7 "harmful" Products)
Favorite by many fried potatoes, ice cream, ketchup, without which even the most delicious sausages do not seem so fragrant ... Today, many champions of healthy eating tend to abandon these products. But in fact, everything is not so bad. These products are not only delicious, but also useful. However, it is important to know some secrets.                           

1. Fat: strength and strong immunity

2. Ketchup: beautiful skin and healthy heart

3. Potatoes: healthy blood vessels

4. Ice cream: a good figure and a great mood

5. Coffee: high performance and good health

6. Eggs: sharp memory and sharp eyes

7. Chocolate: on the wave of positive

7 "harmful" products ... (7 "harmful" Products)

1. Fat:  

Many people question the benefits of fat, but in fact, its unique properties allow you to cope with many ailments, because pork fat contains many necessary substances for the body. Still Hippocrates believed that "the opposite should be treated opposite", and today many doctors advise their patients suffering from "bad" cholesterol, to eat a small piece of fat daily in order to normalize its level in the blood. Enhances the beneficial effect of using lard with garlic. 
 It is important to remember that the optimal dose of fat is 10-15 g per day, and for those who actively trains it is 40-50 grams 

7 "harmful" products ... (7 "harmful" Products)

2. Ketchup:

Ketchup, provided that it is natural, contains a substance called  lycopene . Thanks to this, using ketchup in food, you can not worry about the complexion and condition of the vessels. 

It is recommended to buy ketchup in a glass bottle. In this case, there is a much higher probability that this will be a quality product, which includes tomato paste, vinegar, spices and nothing more. 

7 "harmful" products ... (7 "harmful" Products)
3. Potatoes:
Today, there is an ambiguous attitude towards potatoes - many believe that this product rewards its fans with extra inches at the waist. 
It is necessary to observe the important rule - to eat potatoes best with olive oil. It reduces the glycemic index of potatoes and the extra pounds are not terrible. 

7 "harmful" products ... (7 "harmful" Products)

4. Ice cream:

Just one serving of ice cream gives a person great pleasure, and with it a whole set of healthy substances: vitamins B6, B12 and D3, as well as more than 20 essential amino acids. Ice cream also contains tryptophan, thanks to which the "hormone of joy" is produced in the body. 

The main thing is to choose high-quality ice cream without vegetable oils and artificial additives. Such a product can be safely consumed 3-4 times a week without the risk of harming your body and health. 

7 "harmful" products ... (7 "harmful" Products)

5. Coffee:

Toning properties of coffee have been known for a long time. True, for a long time it was believed that this drink can cause harm to health. Today, more and more researchers say that coffee is good for the body: it relieves depression, increases efficiency and improves thought processes. 
A pinch of salt, added to coffee, will give the drink a special unique taste. But do not enjoy coffee before bedtime due to possible insomnia and excessive excitability. It is believed that the use of one cup of a fragrant drink a day is completely safe for the human body, and three cups will help to test the full range of useful qualities of coffee. 

7 "harmful" products ... (7 "harmful" Products)

6. Eggs:

Someone will say that eggs contain cholesterol and will be right. But besides this, eggs contain  lecithin , namely, it helps to get rid of "bad" cholesterol, besides it clears the liver, improves memory significantly and allows you to maintain excellent vision up to old age. Doctors believe that the regular use of eggs - allows you to keep good eyesight for many years 
Medical research confirms that eating 3-5 eggs a week will be beneficial to healthy people and will not do them any harm. 

7 "harmful" products ... (7 "harmful" Products)

7. Chocolate:

The benefits and harm of chocolate is not the first decade arguing with nutritionists. Most of all they are confused by the high caloric content of this product. But there are situations when you can not do without chocolate. First, chocolate provides an excellent opportunity to quickly quench the hunger and regain strength after a hard mental work. And all thanks to the high content of proteins. 
The aroma of chocolate alone has a beneficial effect on the human psyche. And even those who are desperately watching their figure, 2-3 chocolate sweets a day will not spoil anything, but they will deliver pleasure - the sea! 
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In conclusion...

 1.  Salo makes the vessels cleaner, the heart - stronger, removes toxins and strengthens the immune system. One of the components of fat is arachidonic acid, which improves metabolism and has anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, fat contains vitamin E, useful for the skin, and phosphorus, which is necessary for teeth and bones. 

2.  In addition,  lycopene  has beneficial effects on the heart and improves virility. Ketchup contains a small amount of calories, in addition, it almost lacks trans fats, so it can be used even by those who are on a diet 
3.  In fact, potatoes - baked or boiled - are an excellent source of potassium, fiber and vitamin C. Thanks to its composition, it strengthens the vessels, maintains the heart and improves digestion. 
4.  From moderate amounts of ice cream, one should not refuse even obese people, since it contains the calcium, which is so necessary for bones, which also  stimulates the processes of burning fatty deposits . 
5.  It is caffeine, the source of which is the fragrant cup of coffee, which brings invaluable benefit in the prevention of such serious diseases as liver cancer, cancer of the blood, rectum and pancreas. Doctors say with confidence that a cup of coffee a day reduces the risk of developing hypertension, asthma, heart attacks, gout and Alzheimer's disease. Respond positively to coffee reproductive function of men, metabolism, hematopoietic function and immune system. 
6.  And, although many are convinced that raw eggs are more useful, in fact it is not. Useful components are better absorbed from the boiled product. Egg hard-boiled or soft, steam omelette - all these dishes will be excellent options for a nutritious breakfast. 
7.  Secondly, cardiologists rightly consider chocolate a universal tool for fighting "bad" cholesterol. And even in the most minimal amounts, chocolate lowers blood pressure. Thirdly, chocolate helps to fight stress, improves mood, gives energy and strength for the whole day. 
Thanks for reading 😃😃😃


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