Chicken streps


This hot dish from the chicken appeared with us and won recognition thanks to the establishments.
Strips with English are translated as "strips" - this is the fillet, cut into strips.
Crispy chicken sticks are suitable for any celebration. They need a minimum of products, they are quickly prepared, but so delicious that they are eaten too lightning fast.
  • The main meat product in this dish is chicken fillet;
  • An important role is played by spices, it is they who betray the stripes special taste. In this recipe, the spice will be mustard;
  • Salt and bread crumbs.
Crispy strips of chicken meat
Cooking method:
  1. In a sauce consisting of mustard and salt, put thin strips of chicken pulp for an hour;
  2. Each slice of the future crispy delicacy should be rolled in breadcrumbs (for the amateurs can add red pepper);
  3. On heated oil strips are fried so that a golden crust on meat sticks appears on both sides.
Read also:
This simple recipe has a lot of options. Seasonings for strips and types of breading are chosen at the discretion of the hostess. Change a couple of spices and enjoy a new taste of the dish!
Thanks for reading 😃😃😃


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