Important matter of parsley

Parsley: Properties and Benefits
 The  parsley plant , scientific name  Petroselinum Hortense , belongs to the family of the  Umbelliferae . It is a highly appreciated plant known for its  aromatic  and  therapeutic properties.

Parsley, properties and benefits

Given the wide use that is made in the kitchen, the  parsley  is grown in most of the gardens of our country.
The  parsley  likes temperate climates and does not tolerate very low temperatures. The soil in which it grows must be well fertilized in order to bring the right amount of nutrients to the plant.
The  optimal time  for sowing is March / April. Given that it grows very fast, in the spring season you can have more cuts throughout the year.
The  parsley plant  is native to southern Europe and is biennial in the sense that at the second year of life, after flowering, it dies.

Chemical composition 
Contains 87% water, carbohydrates, 3% protein, 3.3% fiber, 0.80% sugar, 0.8% fat, 2.2% ash and 5.5% fat.
The  minerals : calcium,  potassium , sodium,  phosphorus ,  magnesium , iron,  copper ,  zinc ,  selenium  and manganese.
These are the  vitamins :  vitamin A , vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12,  vitamin C ,  E , K and J. It also contains a good amount of beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin and  flavonoids .
The  amino acids  contained: aspartic acid, glutamic acid, cystine, arginine, alanine, phenylalanine, glycine, valine, threonine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, proline, serine and tyrosine.

Parsley: Properties and Benefits

 Parsley, properties and benefits
Free Radicals
Flavonoids, together with vitamins, beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin have  antioxidant properties ,   particularly luteolin . These compounds counteract the harmful effect of  free radicals .
The  benefits  deriving from this are the  prevention  of premature aging and of various types of even serious diseases, including some types of cancer.
The  essential oils  have been shown to possess  anti-cancer properties  counteracting and neutralizing some substances classified as carcinogens. A substance extracted from essential oil ,  myristicine , has been shown to possess  antitumor properties . For now the tests have been performed only on rats. To be sure, however, it is necessary that the compound is first tested on human beings.
Thanks to its  essential oil it  stimulates gastric secretion and is therefore considered a good aid to the digestive process. To make the most of its  properties  in this sense it is advisable to add it raw at the end of cooking on the dishes to be consumed.
The  parsley , thanks to the abundance of  minerals  is a good diuretic. It is useful as a  supplement  after physical activity and for the treatment of anemia and chronic fatigue.
It is one of the richest herbs of  vitamin K , a vitamin that plays a fundamental role in bone health. It is also used in the treatment of  Alzheimer's patients  as it limits the neuronal damage in the brain.
The good amount of  chlorophyll  gives the  parsley  anti-bacterial properties that can reduce the development of harmful bacteria.
L ' essential oil  contains the' eugenol , a compound with  properties  anesthetic and antiseptic that is used to cure toothache.
Recent studies conducted at ' Istanbul University  argue that this substance is useful for  lowering  the  levels of sugar  in the blood. The results of this research are based on experiments conducted on rats which, fed with  parsley , have actually shown a reduction in blood sugar.
However, the animal organism is totally different from the human body. As a result his reactions are not the same. To confirm this  property  of the plant it is necessary to await the developments of the studies on human beings.
Rheumatoid arthritis
Vitamin C and beta-carotene have anti-inflammatory activities. According to recent studies, they are useful for the control of arthritis . Its  consumption  also contributes to the elimination of uric acid  from the body, a substance that has been associated with the symptoms of arthritis .
Immune system
The abundance of vitamins, minerals and antioxidant  compounds  strengthen the  immune system . This makes the body more reactive to attacks by pathogens.
Benefits to the Kidneys
Dr. John Raymond Christopher claims that  parsley  can be used to treat  kidney  and bladder problems . Even gallstones can be cured by drinking the tea prepared with its fresh leaves.

Other Properties
Recent studies  have shown that people who take vitamin C regularly have a lower risk of developing diseases such as diabetes, arteriosclerosis and asthma.
Thanks to its  properties it  is able to bring  benefits  in the case of  intestinal gas  but not only. It improves  blood circulation  and the health of the cardiovascular system.

The  fresh parsley  can be kept holding the stems in water in a jar for a few days. In the  refrigerator,  the ideal solution is to wrap it in a cloth that in turn should be placed in a plastic bag. In this way it can be stored for up to a  couple of weeks .
In the freezer it can be stored for about  9 months  but must be stored in special containers with a lid. The  parsley  can also be finely chopped  before being frozen .
In this case, remember that then, once thawed, can not be consumed raw but must be used during cooking.
The women who are  pregnant  should be careful in taking the  parsley . It is good that they do not exceed the modest quantities that are usually used in the kitchen.
Consuming abundance of  parsley  could create serious problems in pregnancy. Excessive consumption of this plant is strongly discouraged even during lactation.
The  parsley  is rich in oxalic acid, exceeding or prolonging the consumption of such foods can cause gout and kidney stones.

100 gr  of  parsley  have a calories of  36 calories .


Parsley, properties and benefits

To dampen halitosis problems resulting from ingestion of garlic and onion, you can chew the parsley stalk  .
There are two different types of  parsley , the one with smooth leaves, the more aromatic, and the one with curly leaves.
In ancient times, thanks to its  diuretic properties , parsley was known as a medicinal plant.
The plant can be attacked by various insects including aphids and larvae of beetle.
Its name originates from two Greek words:  petra  which means stone and  sèlinon which means celery (petrasèlinon) or the celery that grows between the stones.
The  parsley  is used in the preparation of many dishes. Hence the famous saying "you're always in the middle like parsley". The saying is to indicate people or things that for their continuous presence are particularly annoying.
Even the  ancient Greeks  used it for its  therapeutic properties . It seems that its  benefits  are especially noticeable to the toothache.
The  parsley  is also an effective  natural remedy  against  mosquito bites . It is sufficient to rub a tuft on the part affected by the puncture to eliminate itching.
The  parsley  is poisonous to some small animals including cats.

Thank you for reading 😃😃😃😃😃😃


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