Mg childhood days

Lost in my thoughts, I marooned myself from the world of endless inscrutable puzzles. My thoughts drove me to my childhood. the world of innocence, summer vacations, school picnics, homework, class work, boring weddings, momma’s kitty parties, colourful birthday parties, fancy dress competitions, exams, last minute mugging-up of chapters I never read, results, sports trophies, the never-ending era of my childhood memories..
I still remember the Thursday bazaar. My mom got me chocolates every Thursday. Orange candies were my favourite. Feels like yesterday my dad got me a new compass box, a trend in school. Mine was a simple one. Not many colors to it… dad with his own best choice! I had toys, a traditional teddy bear, a plastic doll going bald with each time I combed her hair, a kitchen-set my stupid brother crushed because I refused to give him my new pencil with an eraser attached to it! We laugh it out now. But I remember my gush of anger then.
My girl gang playing “parlour parlour”. If a guy interfered then we made a sudden change in plan ‘A’. Then it was time for  plan ‘B’. We would play “Mumma Puppa”, also known as “Ghar-ghar”, where that poor guy would be the puppa. I hardly remember me being the daughter. I loved being mumma. Cooking breakfast in that tiny kitchen set. Feeding my kids of my age. Getting them ready for school and telling Puppa to drop them school. We had imaginary neighbours. My neighbour’s name was Dolly. She was my best neighbour. We use to chat in the afternoon when my ‘husband’ and ‘kids’ were busy working and studying. When he returned from the office, we had a party to attend. Every morning, we woke up with a “kukadookooooo”! Someone from us being the chicken, or at times a chorus “kukadookooooo”. Then it was back to the “parlour parlour”. I don’t want my mom to read this ‘cos then she will know where her lipsticks disappeared, where her perfumes evaporated or why the oil bottle was empty every second day. Or maybe she knows about it! Haaaaaa.. lovely childhood.. so much more to it.. Thank you God, for everything! MY CHILDHOOD DAYS


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